Sensitive to Fragnance? Consider This When Buying Scented Candles
For many people, nothing is more calming than curling up with a hot drink and some scented candles. Scented candles are widely used during holiday time.
Good smell or not, it’s important for you to know how these products will affect your health and well-being when burning them in a closed space with other people around. This could lead to allergic reactions for people who are sensitive to certain fragrances. However, most people are not impacted by scents.
If you have fragrance allergies-don’t worry. Here’s how to choose the best option and keep things safe while still enjoying the smell of these beautiful scents.

What is the candle made of?
There are candles that are more affordable, but also those that are a little more expensive. Of course, the quality of the candle generally determines the price.
Candles made of natural fragrances like essential oils and those made with synthetic aroma chemicals are typically used in the candle industry. Unscented candles do exist. However, most candles have a fragrance that is added to create a pleasing aroma and an aesthetic effect.
Strongly scented candles are a lot more popular nowadays. These are the types that have an overpowering scent. This is usually due to their high oil content or fragrance proportions which makes them last longer. Some people are highly sensitive to scents, and they may find it hard to take in high doses of fragrances. This is why you should be careful about strongly scented candles.
The burning of an essential oil candle is healthier for those with allergies than the usual fragrance candle because it doesn’t have any harmful chemicals.
How to figure out if a candle is scented or unscented
As you walk through the aisle, your nose is greeted by a variety of fragrant smells that seem to fill every corner of the store. These candles give off such wonderful aromas and their scents span from fruity notes to floral ones.
If you have to pick up the candle to find out its smell, then it’s not really heavily scented. When a candle is heavily scented, you can smell it even before standing in front of it.
There are many types of candles available. Some have light scents, while others give off heavy, dessert-like fragrances that you can smell from miles away. For example, mulberry has a very subtle scent. Mint essential oil smells just as good but it is much more robust.
What type of wax is used?
Various types of wax are used to produce candles. Based on natural or synthetic sources, degrees of hardness and melting temperature can vary. Candle waxes differ in composition and function.
Here are some of the most common types of wax used for making candles:
Soy wax is made from 100 percent hydrogenated soybean oil, is affordable and easy to work with.
Paraffin wax is a versatile and inexpensive type of wax. Environmentally conscious candle makers usually avoid the use of paraffin, as it emits harmful fumes when burned.
Palm wax is a natural substance made from hydrogenated palm oil.
Beeswax candles are a favorite among candle lovers throughout history. This natural wax is produced by honeybees and has been used for centuries in candle-making.
Paraffin wax creates the strongest smell from added fragrant oils. Soy wax also creates a significant smell. Be careful though, some scented oils do not work well with soy wax.
How does the candle burn?
If you want to enjoy your candle for as long as possible, one of the first things that will matter is how easily it burns. A cleanly burning candle stick should not produce smoke when used properly.
It is important for candles to be made of the best quality materials and not to leave any black residue or smoke when burning.
Among natural wax candles, beeswax candles burn the longest. Plant-based soy and palm wax have a medium burning time and are cheaper than beeswax. Paraffin shows the shortest burning time, although it is the most expensive candle wax.
The calming effect of aromatherapy
The term “aromatherapy” refers to the practice of inhaling fragrant essential oils for therapeutic purposes. Smells affect the mood because fragrance molecules travel directly from the olfactory nerves to the emotion center of the brain.
Aromatherapy lovers inhale scents to promote relaxation as well as relieve stress and anxiety. By inhaling the scents of essential oils from lighted candles, many users feel the calming effects of aromatherapy.

Candle making
Candle making is a popular hobby that people have raised into an art form. Using various waxes and processes, they create different types of candles. DIY candles make great gifts for friends and family and add warmth and a pleasant scent to you home.

Some tips when purchasing candles:
– To avoid an allergic reaction, buy candles made from natural sources. Essential oils have proven to be safe for use, and they come with various wonderful scents.
– Invest in an eco-friendly candle made of beeswax. It won’t harm your home or the environment. Plus, these candles burn cleaner and longer than other ones.
– If possible, stick to candles that have a single scent. Candles with multiple scents can potentially overwhelm your senses or cause an allergic reaction.
Conclusion: Are scented candles good or bad for you? The answer is both.
Scented candles can be helpful when trying to relax and calm down after stressful days at work. However, too much scent can make things worse by irritating your respiratory system and causing allergies.