Most famous Olive Festival in North Cyprus
Cypriots are known for their love of food and wines. What many people don’t know is that olives have a very important place in Cypriot culture. Kyrenia Olive Festival, a celebration of Greece and Cyprus’ rich agricultural heritage that has been passed down for generations. This festival celebrates one island’s contribution to the world, its people’s natural resource: olive oil!

Olives everywhere
The popularity of the festival is owed to how significant olives are in Cypriot culture. You can even spot two olive branches on their flag!
The breakfast table in Cyprus is not complete without a dish of both green and black olives. This versatile ingredient plays an important role throughout Cypriot cuisine, making its way onto many dishes to flavor them deliciously! We think there is no single meal that doesn’t feature this common staple at some point during cooking or preparation. And when you eat something seasoned with olive oil from the beautiful island paradise on the Mediterranean Sea, take note that you taste true excellence.
The Olive Festival is one of the most significant holidays in Cypriot culture. It’s held at Zeytinlik, which means “the place where olives grow.” Home to countless olive trees for centuries and still an essential source today with nationwide distribution on this small island nation!
“The place of olives”
The Olive Festival is held in the village of Zeytinlik, which translates as “the place of olives.” Home to countless olive trees for centuries and still a source of today’s island wide supply. With its cobblestone streets and charming little houses, that harks back centuries ago when this region was originally settled by Knight Templars, you will enjoy the rich history of this place!

The festival
The festival itself is a week-long string of fun and leisure. Typically, taking place within the first few days of October. Zeytinlik transforms into an entertainment hub, with hundreds from all corners visiting to join in on these celebrations!
The town is a perfect opportunity to show off the skills and talent that it contains. Not only do people have access to delicious food thanks to the local olive oil. They can also boast impressive handicrafts such as jewelry made from local materials, pottery among them! It wouldn’t be a Cypriot event without some live music or folklore dancing, so expect both during your stay here on this beautiful island.
The celebrations of Zeytinli are not just limited to the village itself. The enthusiasm usually continues at Kyrenia’s amphitheater, which hosts concerts by popular singers in honor of this year’s festival! It is also customary for olive factories around town to open their doors, so visitors can experience making olive oil firsthand.
Conclusion: Are you ready to be part of these events?
This beautiful Island isn’t only attractive for sunny days and blue sandy beaches. Its rich history and culture also leave an impression on everyone who participates.
The people of Cyprus love to celebrate their culture. This island is rich in history and tradition. It’s no surprise that this festival has been around for centuries! The Festival Of Olive takes place during a one-week-long period where visitors can taste local food, go to olive factories and enjoy music performances by international artists or Cypriots.